Diagonal Transfers Reduce the Patient Lateral Transfer Weight by 50%
With Linear Transfers, the Patient's Lateral Transfer Weight (LTW) is about 10% of the Patient's Total Actual
For example if the Patient's Total Weight is 200 Kg (400 Lbs), then the LTW would be 20 Kg (44 Lbs).
With Diagonal Transfers, the LTW would be about 10 Kg (22 Lbs) - that is a 50% reduction.
It is simple to reduce the Patient's LTW by HALF:
- Over 50% of the Patient's Mass (weight) is located within the Trunk - that is excluding Legs, Arms and Head.
- Although the Legs are generally heavier than Arms and Hands, the bulk of the Patient's Weight is housed from the Neck down to the
- So the simplest solution to reduce the LTW is to Transfer the Patient (lying on top of the Airpod Air Mattress) in two halves - that is
transfer the Top Half followed by the Bottom Half.
- Unlike any other Air Mattress, the Airpod allows the Care Providers to do exactly that. The Airpods in the Air Mattress work the "Air"
to achieve a point of Equilibrium whereby the Patient's Weight is evenly distributed across the entire Surface of the Airpod Air
- Because the Patient's Weight is now evenly distributed across the whole surface of the Airpod Air Mattress, Patient Transfers can now be
conducted on the Diagonal
- With Diagonal Transfers, the Leg Section (the Bottom Half) is Pushed/Pulled First, followed by the Head Section (the Top
- So essentially the Transfer is conducted in Two Halves thereby allowing the Patient's Lateral Transfer Weight to be reduced by
The Airpods work the "Air" to achieve a point of Equilibrium whereby the Patient's Weight is evenly distributed across the entire
Surface of the Airpod.
Other Advantages of Diagonal Transfers Include:
- It is easier to control the transfer with less effort because the distance travelled for each "Pull" on the Diagonal is
- It is safer because at any one time, at least 50% of the Air Mattress will be either on the Giving or Receiving
- The Net Result and Overall benefit of 1 and 2 above, will be the increased density of Airpods on either Surface (Giving and
Receiving) and this equates to less friction and therefore easier transfers.
The Training Manuals provide step-by-step instructions on Conducting Safe, Effortless and Easy Transfers. You can download copies of the
Manuals from the Healthcare Professionals Section in the